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Zhang Y., Huang R.*, Chen X., Qin T.,Huang S., Zhou P., Lou C.* Experimental study on auto-ignition characteristics of a butanol-hexadecane droplet under elevated pressures and temperatures.Energy, 2019: 654-665. (SCI收录) Wang Z., Shi S.,Huang S., Tang J., Du T., Cheng X.*, Huang R., Chen J. Y. Effects of water content on evaporation and combustion characteristics of water emulsified diesel spray.Applied Energy, 2018, 226: 397-407. (SCI收录) Ma Y.*, Huang R.*, Fu J.,Huang S., Liu J. Development of a diesel/biodiesel/alcohol (up to n-pentanol) combined mechanism based on reaction pathways analysis methodology.Applied Energy, 2018, 225: 835-847. (SCI收录) Wang Z., Wu S., Huang Y.,Huang S., Shi S., Cheng X.*, Huang R. Experimental investigation on spray, evaporation and combustion characteristics of ethanol-diesel, water-emulsified diesel and neat diesel fuels.Fuel, 2018, 231: 438-448. (SCI收录) Zhang Y., Huang R.*, Huang Y.,Huang S., Ma Y., Xu S., Zhou P. Effect of ambient temperature on the puffing characteristics of single butanol-hexadecane droplet.Energy, 2018, 145: 430-441. (SCI收录) Zhang Y., Huang Y., Huang R.*,Huang S., Ma Y., Xu S., Wang Z. A new puffing model for a droplet of butanol-hexadecane blends.Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 133: 633-644. (SCI收录) Xu S.,Huang S., Huang R.*, Wei W., Cheng X., Ma Y., Zhang Y. Estimation of turbulence characteristics from PIV in a high-pressure fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber.Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 110: 346-355. (SCI收录) Ma Y.,Huang S., Huang R.*, Zhang Y., Xu S. Ignition and combustion characteristics of n-pentanol–diesel blends in a constant volume chamber.Applied Energy, 2017, 185: 519-530. (SCI收录) Peng E*,Huang S., Wear performance of cylinder liner surface texturing on cylinder liner–piston ring assembly.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology. 2017:1350650117713435. (SCI收录) Ma Y., Huang R.*,Huang S., Zhang Y., Xu S., Wang Z. Experimental investigation on the effect of n-pentanol blending on spray, ignition and combustion characteristics of waste cooking oil biodiesel.Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 148: 440-455. (SCI收录)
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