个人信息Personal information
- 电子邮箱:
- 入职时间:2017-12-22
- 所在单位:建筑与环境学院
- 职务:副教授
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:四川大学香港马会大楼 C414 办公室,四川大学江安校区,成都市双流县黄河中路一段, 邮编: 610207
- 学位:博士
- 职称:副高
- 在职信息:在岗
- 毕业院校:英国诺丁汉大学
- 所属院系:建筑与环境学院
- 学科:防灾减灾工程及防护工程
联系方式Contact information
- 戴靠山, 吕洋, 李波 and 钟杰.Seismic collision potential of adjacent base-isolated buildings with corridor bridges subjected to bidirectional near-fault pulse-like ground motions.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,135:106202,2020.10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106202
- 李波 and 吕洋.Evaluation of amplitude-scaled and spectrum-matched motions to estimate ground-motion amplification factors.Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,18:4659 - 4679,2020.10.1007/s10518-020-00884-2
- 黄海 and 吕洋.土-风电塔-TMD 相互作用系统减震效率研究.地震工程与工程振动,40:166-173,2020
- 刘洋, 梅竹 and 吕洋.Seismic behaviour and failure-mode-prediction method of a reinforced-concrete rigid-frame bridge with thin-walled tall piers: Investigation by model-updating hybrid test.Engineering Structures,208:110302,2020.10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110302
- 吕洋, 李波, 熊峰, 葛琪, 赵鹏 and 刘洋.Simple discrete models for dynamic structure-soil-structure interaction analysis.Engineering Structures,206:110188,2020.10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110188
- 葛琪, 熊峰 and 吕洋.Performance study of sc wall based on experiment and parametric analysis.Journal of Civil Engineering and Management,26:227 - 246,2020.10.3846/jcem.2020.12181
- 罗翔 and 吕洋.软土场地基础隔震建筑减震性能研究.地震工程与工程震动,40:213-222,2020
- 李波, 戴靠山 and 吕洋.The eigenfunction method for determining displacement time history in structural dynamic analysis.Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering,63:1052 - 1061,2019.10.3311/PPci.14179
- 吕洋, 李波, 熊峰, 戴靠山, 刘洋 and 梅竹.Bi-normalized Newmark–Hall spectra for seismic design and assessment.Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,17:2019.10.1007/s10518-019-00712-2
- 翟盼盼, 吕洋 and 熊峰.Seismic Fragility Analysis of Buildings Based on Double-Parameter Damage Models considering Soil-Structure Interaction.Advances in Materials Science and Engineering,2019:4592847,2019.10.1155/2019/4592847