

[1] Huan Deng, Cong Chen, Min-Yang He, Jiao-Jiao Li, Han-Le Zhang, and Qiong-Hua Wang, “High-resolution augmented reality 3D display with use of a lenticular lens array holographic optical element”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 36(4), 588-593, 2019.

[2] Cong Chen, Huan Deng*, Qiong-Hua Wang, Yu-Tong Song, “Measurement and analysis on the accommodation responses to real‐mode, virtual mode, and focused‐mode integral imaging display”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 27(7), 427–433, 2019.

[3] Huan Deng, Cheng-Gao Luo, Fei Wu, Chao-Chao Ji, and Qiong-Hua Wang, “Analysis on pixel number of elemental image in integral imaging 3D display”, Optik, 128, 83-92,2017.

[4] Han Le Zhang, Huan Deng*, Wen-Tao Yu, Ming-Yang He, Da-Hai Li, and Qiong-Hua Wang, “Tabletop augmented reality 3D display system based on integral imaging”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 34(5), B16–B21, 2017.

[5] Huan Deng, Zhao Long Xiong, Yan Xing, Han Le Zhang, and Qiong-Hua Wang, “A high optical efficiency 3D/2D convertible integral imaging display”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 24(2), 85-90, 2016.

[6] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Zhao Long Xiong, Han Le Zhang, and Yan Xing, “Magnified augmented reality 3D display based on integral imaging”, Optik, 127, 4250-4253, 2016.

[7] Qiong-Hua Wang, Chao-Chao Ji, Lei Li, and Huan Deng*, “Dual-view integral imaging 3D display by using orthogonal polarizer array and polarization switcher” Optics Express, 24(1), 9-16, 2016.

[8] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Fei Wu, Cheng-Gao Luo, Yao Liu, “Cross-talk-free integral imaging three-dimensional display based on a pyramid pinhole array”, Photonics Research, 3(4), 173-176, 2015.

[9] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Cheng-Gao Luo, Chun-Ling Liu, Chen Li, “Accommodation and convergence in integral imaging 3D display”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 22(3), 158~162, 2014.

[10] Fei Wu, Qiong-Hua Wang, Cheng-Gao Luo, Da-Hai Li, Huan Deng*, “Dual-view integral imaging 3D display using polarizer parallax barriers”, Applied Optics, 53(10), 2037~2039, 2014.

[11] Huan Deng, Fei Wu, Da-Hai Li, Qiong-Hua Wang, “Integral imaging without image distortion using micro-lens arrays with different specifications”, Optical Engineering, 52(10), 103113-1~103113-5, 2013.

[12] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Da-Hai Li, Cheng-Gao Luo, Chao-Chao Ji, “1D integral imaging based on parallax images virtual reconstruction”, Chinese Optics Letters, 11(4), 041101-1~041101-3, 2013.

[13] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Da-Hai Li, “Method of generating orthoscopic elemental image array from sparse camera array”, Chinese Optics Letters, 10(6), 061102-1~061102-3, 2012.

[14] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Da-Hai Li, “Realization of undistorted and orthoscopic integral imaging without black zone in real and virtual fields”, Journal of Display Technology, 7(5), 255~258, 2011.

[15] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Lei Li, Da-Hai Li, “An integral-imaging three-dimensional display with wide viewing angle”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 19(10), 679~683, 2011.

[16] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Da-Hai Li, Qiong-Hong Wang, “Virtual toed-in camera method to eliminate parallax distortions of stereoscopic images for stereoscopic displays”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 18(3), 193~198, 2010.

[17] 余文涛, 张汉乐, 邓欢*, 王琼华, 李大海, “基于全息光学元件的增强现实3D显示系统, 中国激光, 43(10), 196~202, 2016.

[18] 邓欢, 李述利, 吴非, 王攀, 王琼华, “增大3D观看视角的会聚式集成成像”, 光学精密工程, 22(1), 1~6, 2014.

[19] 邓欢, 王琼华, 刘尧, “基于不同微透镜阵列参数的集成成像微图像生成方法”, 光电子技术, 34(2), 73~77, 2014.

[20] 刘尧, 邓欢*, 罗成高, 王琼华, “基于光孔阵列的集成成像三维显示方法”, 光学学报, 34(9), 0910004-1~0910004-5, 2014.

[21] 吴非, 王琼华, 邓欢*, “狭缝光栅1维集成成像3D显示器的狭缝孔径宽度对性能参数的影响”, 四川大学学报(工程科学版), 45(5), 109~111, 2013.

[22] 邓欢, 龚欣鑫, 王亚洲, 王琼华, “一种快速计算机集成成像”, 44(6), 133~136, 2012.

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[1] 邓欢,王琼华,赵悟翔,罗成高,崔建朋,一种无串扰的集成成像3D显示装置,ZL201410224208.1

[2] 邓欢,王琼华,罗成高,赵悟翔,刘尧,一种无深度反转的集成成像3D投影显示装置, ZL201410314149.7

[3] 邓欢,王琼华,崔建朋,李述利,熊召龙,一种高亮度的集成成像3D显示装置,ZL201410319682.3

[4] 邓欢,王琼华,熊召龙,罗成高,李述利,一种投影式集成成像3D显示装置,ZL201310657442.9

[5] 邓欢,王琼华,李述利,熊召龙,罗成高,基于正交投影的一维集成成像3D拍摄方法,ZL201410025130.0

[6] 邓欢,王琼华,刘尧,邢妍,基于偏振针孔阵列的穿透式集成成像3D显示装置, ZL201510006938.9

[7] 邓欢,王琼华,一种增强现实的集成成像3D显示装置, ZL201510223415.X

[8] 邓欢,王琼华,余文涛,张汉乐,李大海,基于全息光学元件的悬浮式集成成像3D显示, ZL201610039570.0

[9] 邓欢,王琼华,张汉乐,熊召龙,邢妍,增强现实集成成像3D显示图像畸变的消除方法,  ZL201510977380.9

[10] 邓欢,王琼华,张汉乐,何岷阳,一种悬浮式集成成像3D显示装置, ZL201710829904.9

[12] 邓欢,王琼华,刘尧,邢妍,基于偏振针孔阵列的穿透式集成成像3D显示装置,ZL201510006938.9

[13] 邓欢,王琼华,纪超超,唐松,王攀,基于不同微透镜阵列参数的集成成像两次拍摄法, ZL201310245704.0

[14] 邓欢,王琼华,李大海,罗成高,纪超超,一种消除集成成像3D显示串扰图像的方法,ZL201210440774.7

[15] 邓欢,王琼华,一种会聚式集成成像拍摄方法,ZL201210318910.5