Date of Employment:2017-12-22
Administrative Position:副教授
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:四川大学香港马会大楼 C414 办公室,四川大学江安校区,成都市双流县黄河中路一段, 邮编: 610207
Alma Mater:英国诺丁汉大学
Discipline:Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Protection Engineering
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李波.Near-Fault Forward Directivity Effect on the Estimation of Ground Motion Amplification Factors.Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.2021,147(12):04021139
lvyang.Seismic Performance of a Full-Scale Two-Story Bolt-Connected Precast Concrete Composite Wall Panel Building Tested on a Shake Table.Journal of Structural Engineering.2021,147(12):04021209
lvyang.Dimensional analysis of dynamic interaction between adjacent SDOF buildings to forward directivity and fling step pulses.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.2021,149:106831
张博文.Regional seismic damage analysis considering soil–structure cluster interaction using lumped parameter models: a case study of Sichuan University Wangjiang Campus buildings.Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.2021,19(11):4289 - 4310
lvyang.Dynamic rocking response of a rigid planar block on a nonlinear hysteretic Winkler foundation.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.2021,50(10):2754 - 2773