Date of Employment:2021-01-05
Administrative Position:特聘研究员
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:四川大学西门科华北路99号四川大学国家科技园203
Academic Titles:博士生导师
Alma Mater:山梨大学
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Zhuqing Wang.Electrodeposition of thin membrane in freestanding SU-8 microfluidic channel for molecular addressing by capillary effect,.Materials Research Express, (2019)
Zhuqing Wang.The effect of increasing interfacial strength in micro fluidic system for heat detection with micro-sandglass shaped interlocks.Microsystem Technologies (2019)
Zhuqing Wang,.Enzyme immobilization in completely packaged freestanding SU-8 microfluidic channel by electro click chemistry for compact thermal biosensor.Process biochemistry, (2019)
Zhuqing Wang.Silicon-based micro calorimeter with single thermocouple structure for thermal characterization.IEEE Electro Device Letters, (2019)
Waqas Ali Haider.Bilayered microelectrodes based on electrochemically deposited MnO2/polypyrrole towards fast charge transport kinetics for micro-supercapacitors.RSC Advances, 2020, 10
Yijie Li.Thermoelectrical properties of silicon substrates with nanopores synthesized by metal-assisted chemical etching,.Nanotechnology 2020 Accepted